原文地址:Introduction to GitLab Flow

Git allows a wide variety of branching strategies and workflows. Because of this, many organizations end up with workflows that are too complicated, not clearly defined, or not integrated with issue tracking systems. Therefore, we propose GitLab flow as a clearly defined set of best practices. It combines feature-driven development and feature branches with issue tracking.



Organizations coming to Git from other version control systems frequently find it hard to develop a productive workflow. This article describes GitLab flow, which integrates the Git workflow with an issue tracking system. It offers a simple, transparent, and effective way to work with Git.



When converting to Git, you have to get used to the fact that it takes three steps to share a commit with colleagues. Most version control systems have only one step: committing from the working copy to a shared server. In Git, you add files from the working copy to the staging area. After that, you commit them to your local repo. The third step is pushing to a shared remote repository. After getting used to these three steps, the next challenge is the branching model.



Since many organizations new to Git have no conventions for how to work with it, their repositories can quickly become messy. The biggest problem is that many long-running branches emerge that all contain part of the changes. People have a hard time figuring out which branch has the latest code, or which branch to deploy to production. Frequently, the reaction to this problem is to adopt a standardized pattern such as Git flow and GitHub flow. We think there is still room for improvement. In this document, we describe a set of practices we call GitLab flow.


Git flow and its problems


Git flow was one of the first proposals to use Git branches, and it has received a lot of attention. It suggests a master branch and a separate develop branch, as well as supporting branches for features, releases, and hotfixes. The development happens on the develop branch, moves to a release branch, and is finally merged into the master branch.


Git flow is a well-defined standard, but its complexity introduces two problems. The first problem is that developers must use the develop branch and not master. master is reserved for code that is released to production. It is a convention to call your default branch master and to mostly branch from and merge to this. Since most tools automatically use the master branch as the default, it is annoying to have to switch to another branch.
